Reality Switch: VR patient day at YouCan Centre (RBWH)

Patients switch it up thanks to Chimera donation The Chimera Legacy Foundation made an escape from hospital a reality for young Queensland cancer patients recently thanks to a virtual reality (VR) patient day.   On the day, the Chimera team donated a VR kit to the Sony You Can Youth Cancer Centre which will allow patients to […]

Damien’s Story, Leukaemia Foundation Speech November 2018

Damien’s Story Leukemia Foundation Speech November 2018 Since my Lung Transplant I’ve had some unexpected and serious ongoing health issues which have affected my ability to secure a stable job and live a normal life. However, to carry-on through this struggle, I made the decision early on that I would dedicate my time to give […]

Comedy For a Cure Event with Dave Hughes and Mike Goldman

2019 Event Fundraiser Comedy For a Cure Event with Dave Hughes and Mike Goldman Chimera Fundraising for Transplant Health The event raised $20,000 of funds that were donated to the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute. Mike Goldman Mike Goldman and Damien Thompson discuss the Cure for Comedy night at Cloudland Brisbane Proudly Supporting QIMR […]

Bushfire Relief Efforts

Bushfire Relief Efforts Patient Giveaway Has Ended This is open to people with Lung Disease and are on the Transplant Waiting list. The Chimera Legacy Foundation is partnering with The Ville Resort and Casino ( ) to provide at-risk bushfire victims with the support they need to escape to North Queensland and away from poor air […]