Reality Switch: VR patient day at YouCan Centre (RBWH)

Patients switch it up thanks to Chimera donation

The Chimera Legacy Foundation made an escape from hospital a reality for young Queensland cancer patients recently thanks to a virtual reality (VR) patient day.  

On the day, the Chimera team donated a VR kit to the Sony You Can Youth Cancer Centre which will allow patients to continue using entertainment distraction therapy throughout their treatment journey.
Chimera Legacy Foundation Founding Director, Damien Thompson said the donation would not have become a reality without the support of the Brisbane Holland Park Lions Club. 

“This donation has been a real Community effort and will allow patients to escape their hospital room to virtually travel, explore and meditate.” Mr Thompson said.

”I know firsthand how tough hospital can be so it was an honour and a privilege to spend the day with these incredible young people and give them a few hours of entertainment and distraction.

“We believe Virtual Reality has a significant role to play in the wellbeing and recovery of patients and would like to see every hospital across the state have access to this technology. 


”This is why we’ll be continuing to work with community groups, hospitals, healthcare providers and academia to bring Virtual Reality to patients in order to improve care and recovery outcomes through  our VR-AID program.”

The program isn’t possible without community support so if you’d like to help us get VR to patients, make a donation today.  
